Drosophila primordial germ cell (PGC) migration from endoderm to somatic gonadal precursors (SGPs) in the mesoderm. (Green- PGCs, a subset of magenta- SGPs). Light sheet microscopy.

PGCs separating from a cluster. Cyan arrows note F-actin enriched in tails. 2-Photon Microscopy.

Cortical actin flows in PGCs with corresponding flow analysis. PGCs were purified from embryos and placed under an agarose gel. Spinning disk microscopy.

PGCs are wrapped by the endoderm. Gray- PGC membranes, Cyan- E-cadherin. 2-Photon Microscopy.

PGCs trapped within embryonic endoderm. 2-Photon Microscopy.

Chimeric PGC cluster. Magenta PGCs know where to go, while green PGCs do not. 2-Photon Microscopy.

PGCs clustered in the endoderm at stage 9 of embryogenesis. Lateral view. White- endoderm, orange- PGCs, cyan- nuclei. Scale bar- 100 microns. Confocal imaging.

PGCs emerge through the endoderm at stage 10 of embryogenesis. Lateral view. White- endoderm, orange- PGCs, cyan- nuclei. Scale bar- 100 microns. Confocal imaging.

PGCs clustered at the site of the future gonad. Dorsal view. White- endoderm, orange- PGCs, cyan- nuclei. Scale bar- 100 microns. Confocal imaging.